Download the MSI file that was used for installation - you will need the password contained in your MSI to perform an uninstall the software

Copy the files into a folder called traps within your shared apps folder

Create a Batch file to perform the silent uninstall - you will need one or x86 and one for x64

:: To UNINSTALL Traps Agent on 64-bit Windows OS from a command line and using quiet mode (/qn)


mkdir c:\tmps

xcopy /Y \\\apps\traps\Traps_x64_4.0.2.26106.msi c:\tmps

msiexec /qn /x c:\tmps\Traps_x64_4.0.2.26106.msi UNINSTALL_PASSWORD="palo@lt0"


rd c:\tmps /S /Q


Save the batch file in the traps folder

Traps Parameters can be found at

For a full list of Msiexec parameters, see

Create a Third Party template to run the batch file - you will need one or x86 and one for x64