Logging Into Management Utilities

The Management Utilities browser based interface can be accessed across the network from a system using a supported web browser.

Open up the browser and type in 

  • http or https
  • IP Address or name of the system running Management Utilities
  • Port number used – leave blank if using the default port 80


You will be presented with a Windows Authentication box. Enter the username and password that are valid on your Windows network

The first user to log into the Management Utilities will be created as the administrator and primary username. Additional users can be set up by this user for accessing Management Utilities.

To browse to Management Utilities from a Windows 8 system, install Firefox and browse from the Desktop. V5.13 Management Utilities may not support all functions of Internet Explorer 10 and greater.

Upon logging into Management Utilities for the first time, you will be presented with an Authentication Template which must be completed and saved before you can continue.

Enter a Template Name, Username, and Password (and Domain, if using a domain administrator account), then press Save to save your template. Click on the top right hand corner X to close the window and continue.

This user must be an administrator on your Windows network and have access to the target systems you will be deploying software to.