Changing Servers with Remote SQL

When you need to change the server that is running Management Utilities and it utilizes a remote sql server for the database you must follow these steps.

Step 1 On the SQL Server backup the syamutility database

Step 2 Delete the syamutility database on the sql server

Step 3 On the new server Install the Management Utilities on the new server, run the syam management utility service as the domain admin username that has syadmin right in SQL, set the application pool to run as the domain admin username used when installing the management utilities - restart iis 

Step 4 log into management utilities and confirm everything is working

Step 5 On the SQL Server delete the syamutility database

Step 6 Restore the backup of the syamutility database

Step 7 On the new server restart the syam management utility service and restart IIS

Log into the management utilities and you will now be running with all of your data.