Deploying Python

The method for deployment of Python will depend on if the target systems have User Access Control enabled (UAC)

Deploying to non UAC Enabled Target

Obtain the Python version executable you wish to deploy (x86 or x64)

Copy the exe to a folder in your shared apps folder where you deploy applications from

Create a Third Party Template

Select the exe and enter the parameter /quiet InstallAllUsers=1

Save the template

Deploying to UAC Enabled Targets

Obtain the Python MSI you wish to deploy (x86 or x64)

Copy the msi to a folder in your shared apps folder where you deploy applications from

Create a batch file to run the MSI installation


mkdir c:\tmps

xcopy /Y \\\apps\python\python-3.4.4.amd64.msi c:\tmps

msiexec /i c:\tmps\python-3.4.4.amd64.msi /qn ALLUSERS=1

rd c:\tmps /S /Q

Create a Third Party Template

Select the bat and select copy file to run locally