Frequently Asked Questions on Bulk Update

What happens if I have the 6 columns of data but don’t check the Include Annotated Fields check box?

  • The import will only update the chromebook serial number with the orgunitpath

What happens if I check include annotated fields but don’t have the six columns of data?

  • Nothing will be imported; the screen will go blank the page will need to be refreshed.

What happens if I have a typo in a column heading?

  • It will still import the data and update the fields based on the column value

What happens if I have a typo in the orgunitpath?

  • The data for that serial number will not be processed and a report at the end of the import can be downloaded to see which serial numbers were not updated with the orgunitpath defined

What happens if I have a typo in the Serial Number?

  • No data will be updated as the serial number does not exist in GAC.

What happens if I leave the value empty for an annotated field?

  • The annotated field will be cleared in Google Admin Console 

What happens if I have a 7th column in my csv file?

  • It will import the data for the first 6 columns in the csv file and ignore the values in the 7th column

What happens if I have a duplicate serial number?

It will import the data and the values of the second entry of duplicate serial number will be applied.

What happens if I have a typo in the status value?

  • No action will be taken

What happened if I have a value under Reason when doing a Power wash?

  • It will process the power wash and ignore the value in the reason column