Create the Form (Checklist)

  1. Open Administration – Self Service – checklist – click create 
  2. Give the Checklist a name, now select the Parent Reported Issue event type
  3. Select the fields from the right-hand menu and drag them on to the form.
  4. Re arrange by dragging the field up or down to the desired position
  5. Edit a field by clicking on the pencil icon shown when mousing over the field
  6. Press Save once complete

**Please Note – the form must contain SyAM Ticket Fields email and location

Adding an Image

  1. Rename the png or jpg image as logo and copy the file to c:\sitemanager\sitemanagerservice\ folder
  2. Add the image field to the form
  3. Edit the image and under Src type in the name of the file
  4. By default, the logo will left align, to center change the Class to center-block

Adding a Text Field

  1. Add the text field to the form
  2. Edit the text field
  3. To force the user to provide an answer check off Required
  4. Enter the text that you wish to show on the form in the label box
  5. Help text is presented on screen when they mouse over the ‘?’ next to the label
  6. Placeholder text is shown in the box so they know what information should be typed in that box  

Adding a Radio Group Field

    1. Add the Radio Group to the form
    2. Edit the Radio Group
    3. To force the user to provide an answer check off Required
    4. Enter the text that you wish to show as the title of the radio group on the form in the label box
    5. Help text is presented on screen when they mouse over the ‘?’ next to the label
    6. If you wish to allow the user to type in their own Value check of Enable other
    7. Enter the options you wish to present, type in the same value for the Option and Value. 
    8. Press Add Option button to add more options to your list. You must have a minimum of two options