Deploying Logger Pro 3.11

Obtain through your customer portal at Vernier Software the silent installer MSI version.

Copy the files provided from Vernier into a folder located within the shared apps folder

in our example we used a folder called 


**PLEASE NOTE - If you are installing on Windows 7 Target machines you must install the KB2921916 before you can silently install Logger Pro 3.11

**PLEASE NOTE - You must install the Visual C redistributable file provided by Vernier before you can install the Logger Pro software

Windows 7 targets use the vcredist_x86.exe

Windows 10 targets use the  vc_redist_x86.exe

Create a batch file to install the MSI silently



cd \

msiexec /qn /i \\\apps\LoggerPro3_11_SilentInstaller\LoggerPro3.msi INSTALLDATASHARE="INSTALL" /qn /L*v %TEMP%\LoggerPro3_msilog.txt


**PLEASE NOTE - do not have spaces in the folder names

- Change the IP to the IP of your server containing the shared apps folder

- Change the Path to your LoggerPro files per your shared apps folder configuration

Save the batch file in the shared folder - in our example the batch file loggerinstall.bat

Create the Third Party template to run the batch file

Remember to check off Copy these files