Windows 7 and Windows 8 based systems are probably prompting you to upgrade to Windows 10.

If you do not wish to upgrade to Windows 10 then these prompts can be disabled

There are two steps to disabling Windows 10 Update prompts.

Step 1 - Remove the KB3035583 so it no longer looks to see if you need to upgrade to Windows 10

Step 2 - Update the Registry with the keys to disable the update prompts

Create a Batch file to remove the Windows update

echo off


cd c:\windows\system32

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart


Create the Registry Edit file, then create a batch file to run the registry update

Create a registry edit file with the following;

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Create a Batch file to run the Registry update

Remember to save the batch file in the folder where you saved copied the .reg file.

(Remember to enter the correct patch to your shared folder)


mkdir c:\tmps

xcopy /Y \\\apps\disablewin10upg\*.reg c:\tmps

cd c:\tmps\

regedit /s disable-win10-upg.reg

rd c:\tmps /S /Q


Create a Third Party Job Temple that will run the two batch files to remove the KB and update the registry

To confirm the registry has updated, regedit on a target machine and check that the new entries are present